Erró dessins: 1948-2008 before, now and after
- Couverture rigide
- Nombre de pages: 142
- Illustré
- Langue: Français
- Date de parution: 2010
- Éditeur: HAZAN
- Dimensions: 24 cm x 30 cm
- Poids: 1.04 kg
This book was missing: it is the first to systematically consider the graphic production of Erró since its inception. Such an approach, paradoxically unprecedented to date, should have been carried out a long time ago when we know the omnipresent graphic dimension in his work. Erró's taste for drawing was evident from childhood, under the influence of the Icelandic painter Kjarval who set up his summer studio near the family farm in Kirkjubæjarklaustur, in the south of Iceland, from 1942. He first developed at the Reykjavik School of Fine Arts, where, between 1949 and 1951, he graduated as a drawing teacher, then at the National Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo, at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts and Ravenna School of Mosaic. It asserts itself in various forms at each stage of the artist's career. With a retrospective vocation, the work presents more than 200 drawings selected by Erró over forty years of artistic practice: drawings of observation or imagination, preparatory drawings for frescoes, mosaics and paintings or even independent drawings, sometimes associated with elements photographs cut in the press, then from 1964 to today, transfer drawings of preliminary collages, initial stages in the production of paintings, watercolors or serigraphs.
- Hardcover
- 142 pages
- Illustrated
- Language: French
- Published: 2010
- Publisher: HAZAN
- Size: 24 cm x 30 cm
- Weight: 1.04 kg